February 2017 was whimsical, as February can be here. Rain and sunshine changed places regularly, wintery it was not.......apart from the temperatures though, but beautiful in every way.
I was asked to photograph future movie scenes for the production of a promotion poster and took the challenge because I like to be challenged and love to learn new things. So I went for it. A challenge it was in many ways. I learned that if you have a skill, there is no reason to offer your skills for free! Because if you do, you will feel that you do not value yourself and your skills. Even if it is something you have never done, but still in the realm of your skillset. There has to be an equal exchange of energy. It can be money or a service or whatever may serve you. Wise lesson learnt!
It was a great experience after all, I learned many different angles, I learned how to look for locations, what it feels like to be directed, and withstand harsh circumstances, because it was very cold and very wet! It made for great shots though and I felt I had passed a treshold, I enjoyed it passionately and think back with appreciation and am grateful for the experience. Oh, and while location scouting with our dear neighbour Vincenzo, we also discovered we own some really nice areas that we didn't know we own ;-).
Vincenzo, who loves nature and sees potential art in everything, with one of his dogs. |
The unknown property |
When (dead) Hedera turns into natural artwork (*Vincenzo). |
On location scout tour. San Martino.
The day of the shoot started pretty rainy, but there is a sunny spot somewhere..........and off we went. The director and actors arrived, all covered with umbrellas, but eager to create something worthwhile. Lex catered to the hungry stomachs by driving back and forth to Marradi to feed us delicious sandwiches. Cold and rain makes hungry for sure! We were all wrapped up like eskimos, I at least, trotting in ice cold rivers with fisherman's boots (charming!) and kneeling in wet grass to get the right angle! Not as bad as the actors though in their flimsy thin dresses!!! Everyone was so dedicated though, including the backstage crew and all the neighbours that offered their part! All our neighbours were involved...Vincenzo with his beautiful white horse, Samuele lending hands wherever he could.........the beauty of a small community! |
With director Lorenzo Raveggi. |
Getting ready to dive! |
The 'boatsman' to help me get to the shooting location! |
Actresses Diana Stefanescu and Angelica Farneti. |
After such a wet day everyone was happy to let the director's wife Marzia blaze a warm hairdryer at our soaked heads. With warm tea, a wood fire and some food we all came back to our senses, tired but satisfied. No time to linger much, as day two was waiting for us........shooting in the church of the centuries old Monastery that was once the first settlement in the valley of Marradi and San Benedetto (where we live). Ice cold, no light to be considered, no heating......eskimo day again!!! And monkey bar acrobatics for me ;-)
Day 2 |
Freezing moments with half warm hands. Photographer's supergloves! |
The photographer being photographed. |
In the evening we all gathered at Bar Teatro to enjoy some beer and music played by a few of the many talented (young) people in this village. I have not figured out how to add video to this blog, it would have been worthwhile, joyful and warming! Bravi ragazzi!
I am not sure if I talked before about the beautiful 19th century Theatre we have. An exceptional jewel for such a small mountain community. I will tell about the how and why at a later time, for now I can tell that we are regularly being treated to all kinds of performances and concerts of high level artistry. One of them being a classical guitar concert on a quiet February Sunday afternoon.
I am so in love with this space, I hope one day this year 2018 I will be able to have some photoshoots in there!
In the mean time work on the studio is progressing. The little window openings upstairs are a cute and welcome addition that presented itself along the way. All is ready to be stuccoed inside and outside preparations are being made to connect water and heating to the building.
Sushi by now has had enough of this rainy cold weather and cuddles up all day under the blankets.
We instead are being brave and soon enough February is starting to show us a sunnier side. We like to have our daily walks up the mountain behind our house or below on our newly found territory and find interesting features like this tree. I imagine this is how Alice must have seen Wonderland when she first arrived! When do we get to see the roots of a tree in all their magnificence???
The first signs of spring: Stinking Hellebore, so beautiful though. |
Abandoned (?) hunter's lodge. |
The first visitor of the year arrived. Our dear friend Tineke, who came here last year around the same time, with her husband, who unfortunately left this life later in the year. Brave women to return so soon. It made me, us realize how precious life is and how important to enjoy every day, and be appreciative of what life brings us. It was emotional and good at the same time to be together.
The weather helped to give this trip a 'lighter' touch, and as we know her, she is the best at finding a silver lining where she can! She loves discovering new places, so we decided to head out to Chiusi della Verna. A beautiful place in the middle of the Tuscan Appenines in the province of Arezzo. La Verna, the mountain which was gifted by the Count of Chiusi della Verna to Saint Francis of Assisi to retire and meditate, later became the location of a Franciscan Monastery harbouring impressively beautiful fresco's about the life of St. Francis. It is also the place to admire a large collection of blue and white enamelled ceramic high relief depictions of the life of Christ and other biblical scenes by Andrea della Robbia. The monastery is still active, which makes for a solemn ambiance, especially in the winter when visitor numbers are low. We were really impressed by the beauty and silence!
On a coffee break we found a real 50-ies jukebox in full working order with a very proud owner. |
Next on the program was our favourite 'appetite boosting' hike over the rim from above our house to the village, knowing the reward is to still that appetite at the Colombaia, the restaurant lying their temptingly at the end of the trail.
Little chapel on the grounds of La Colombaia. |
Our next trip was our favourite 'close by' trip to beautiful Brisighella. Even though we have been there many times (it is only 20 minutes away), there is something new to be discovered every time, and a must see for new visitors. A small medieval Borgo, well preserved with ample options to wander the little alleys and feel amazed by the views from the rock onto the lay out of the original Borgo. The weather was so nice we opted for a picknick with a view.
Explanation of the medieval use of the Via degli Asini, the outer border of the Borgo. |
Interior of St. Michele |
Door knob of the main entrance to the St. Michele Church |
Picknick with a view. |
After Tineke left, work moved forward in the studio and Lex occupied himselve with some cleaning up outside, burning cut branches while enjoying the signs showing that spring was upon us. Meanwhile I prepared photos for a display in our friend Alessandra Samori's flowershop window to celebrate women on the Festa della Donna (Int. women's day). I felt honoured and enjoyed the exposure, more so because few people here so far knew of me as a photographer. I got kicked in the bum by Alessandra that at least I should have business cards ready for her to pass out to interested potential clients. Thank you for that Sandra!!!
Joren advised us to create a loft and right he was........it is becoming sooooooo beautiful! |
Somewhere around that time a friend and colleague photographer Wim Harwig sent me some old pictures, which make me smile big, also because my dad is in there! Oh my Mikey, you were so unbelievably cute......of course!!! And you loved your porridge!
Talking about food.........when you are busy and have to create something with 'quello che c'è', whatever you find in the pantry, it can be quite mouthwatering and satisfying what comes out.
Oh......and before I end this February summary......meet our house pet......until now I have not managed to catch him or her. They are way too fast to even have a chance....I console myself knowing that they are not lethal and love to eat insects, not purpously sting human beings. Go, baby, go.......I have left a lot of fear for all kinds of insects and other creepers behind, thanks to you!
Don't let this little critter keep you from following my stories......enjoy and see you at te March edition!
Mooi die picknickfoto. Leuk verslag weer :)